Community Day
Community Day
Caring for our Community means having the best time ever with all of your family and friends in the ISC Campus.

We care for our Community
At the beginning of each school year we invite ISC parents, students, employees and alumni to spend a fun day on campus and enjoy tons of activities for the entire family!
Enjoy your saturday in the beautiful ISC campus.
Community Day is the perfect opportunity for ISC families to connect in opportunities beyond the classroom, living our mission of Everyone Learning – and having fun – everywhere!

Many fun activities during the day!
- School Playgrounds open
- Soccer Games (for ECC and ES)
- Volleyball Games (for ES, MS, HS and Parents)
- Gymnastics Class (for ECC and ES)
- Drone Class
- Face paint Station
- Quick Massage
- Yoga Class
- + Food and beverages for sale
Check out some photos of this year’s event!
ISC Alumni
Once a Wildcat, Always a Wildcat! Being an ISC Alumni means much more than holding onto the great memories from your school years.