Buddy Program
The Buddy Program
Strengthening one of the most important aspects of our school: our community.

An open door to our new families
We know that family involvement directly impacts students’ performance and learning. Parental involvement is highly encouraged and expected at our school. Our Buddy Program connects ISC families with newcomers to support them in this new learning journey, strengthening one of the most important aspects of our school: our community.
With all community members emotionally, socially, and cognitively engaged, we ensure that our mission is being fulfilled: Everyone Learning Everywhere.
Transitioning to ISC - an easy and enjoyable experience.
“Each Buddy Family can do different things to welcome new families. We sent an email with a brief introduction to our family, and an offer to help. Then, we invited them to have lunch at our place. The adults had a good time sharing experiences and talking about traveling while the children played together. I think we were able to make their transition to ISC easier and it has been an enjoyable experience for us too.”