ISC Board

ISC Board of Directors

Different than most other private schools in Curitiba, ISC is a non-profit parent association.

As ISC associates, parents elect a group of up to nine volunteer parents as their Board of Directors, to oversee and undertake the governance of the school.

The Board's Roles

The role of each Board member is to steward ISC in fulfilling its mission and vision statements. Key responsibilities of the Board include long-term strategic planning, protecting the assets and ensuring the financial viability of the school as well as hiring the Head of School.

ISC Bylaws

According to ISC’s bylaws, the Board is made up of five corporate and four local positions, elected for three-year terms.

Our Board Members

Anna Dortmans
Board President

Anna is a marketing professional with over 9 years experience with A-Level brands such as Nivea, Panasonic and Desso. She was also the founder of the Montevideo International Ladies Club.

Marcio Mondin
Vice President

Marcio has over 17 years of experience as an investor. His career includes the position of Vice President of Latin American Operations for WL Consultancy and CEO of Oystar Holding GmbH. In the past Marcio worked as an ISC High School Teacher.

Daniel Bucheb

Daniel is a senior procurement global executive, with a 25-year career. Has worked within high-profile, high-impact leadership positions for leading global multinational FMCG companies and lived in US, Belgium, China, Canada, Argentina and Switzerland

Carlos Altimiras
Vice Treasurer

Carlos is a Chilean citizen. He studied Industrial Engineering and has a Master degree in Pulp and Paper Production. Carlos has been working in the forestry industry for the past 20 years, with experience in Logistics, Planning & Control, Sales, Procurement and recently as CEO of Arauco do Brazil.

Thais Losso
Member at Large

Thais is a Board Member in the Energy and Education Sectors. Board member certified by the IBGC-CCA. Attorney. Entrepreneur in the Education Sector. Professor at the Pan-American College of Adm and Law.

Ricardo Wilke
Member at Large

Ricardo is a Telecoms executive since 1996 and a former member of the start up management team of PT PROTELINDO in Indonesia. Originally from Brazil, with extensive worldwide experience, having worked in projects in many countries. Acting as a Private Investor since 2015, with business interests spread across The Americas, Europe and Asia.

Daria Lozinskaya
Member at Large

Daria is an HR professional with over 15+ experience with international companies such as Philip Morris and IKEA. She holds an MA from Western Michigan University (USA) and serves as a board member of a charitable foundation supporting orphans.

Pablo Gismondi

Hisaya Kamohara
Member at Large

Board Expectations

  • Attend at least one meeting a month.
  • Support major events in the community.
  • Support the school’s initiatives and programs.
  • Be a representative of the school. Therefore, you are held to high standards.
  • Confidentiality is of the essence.
  • A Board member is expected to bring their professional experience or expertise to the Board and its subcommittees and work with their fellow Board partners in a collaborative, respectful and supportive manner.
  • English proficiency.

Board Duties

  • Actively supports and promotes the school’s mission, vision, strategic goals, and policy positions.
  • Sets policy and focuses on long-range and strategic issues. An individual Board member does not become involved directly in specific management, personnel, or curricular issues.
  • Accepts and supports Board decisions. Once a decision has been made, the Board speaks with one voice.
  • Contributes to the Advancement of the school, including strategic planning for development, financial support, and active involvement in annual and capital giving.
  • A Board member is a representative of the entire ISC community and must subordinate the views of a single grade, specific constituency or personal issue for what is in the best interest of the school.
  • The Board has fiduciary responsibilities for the financial health and long-term sustainability of the school.

An outstanding community building a great school

Know more about our Advancement Program and how you can participate.

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