Early Childhood

A place for student exploration, teacher care, creative spaces and social and emotional learning.

2 to 5 years old.

Elementary School

A place where teachers inspire students to grow through collaboration and critical thinking.

Grades 1 to 5.

Middle School

Critical thinking and ethical discussions that prepare students to be responsible for their own learning.

Grades 6 to 8.

High School

Providing students with the abilities they need so they are able to make informed decisions about their future.

Grades 9 to 12.

Welcome to a modern
learning school

We are an innovative, non-profit school that values Character, Citizenship, Critical Thinking, Communication, Creativity, and Collaboration as key competencies.

Our research-informed teaching, learning principles and practice allow our students to be academically successful, develop abilities for the future and acquire a great sense of character.

If you feel we are the right school for you, come and visit us. We would love to get to know you!

ISC in Numbers

as of June 2024


Families Are Part of our Amazing Community

Different Nationalities Represented at ISC

Teaching Employees, 41% International

Class of 2024 University Acceptances Worldwide

Get to know us through the lens of our students, parents, and education experts.

As a modern learning school, we focus on the fundamental question of “What is worth learning and why?”. We foster innovation and teach in an authentic way, preparing students for the future they choose. 

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Nationally & Internationally Accredited by


What does it mean to be the International School of Curitiba?

At ISC we live by four mantras: Academic Excellence, Caring for Our Community, Opportunities beyond Classrooms, and Global Perspective.

We are here to help you find your place in our story.

Academic Excellence

We care for our Community

Opportunities Beyond Classrooms

Global Perspective

Ready to Know more?

Choosing the International School of Curitiba is one of the most important decisions you can make with your child.

© 2024 ISC. All rights reserved.